Everlene Career Building Tool

Rebecca Everlene career building tool

Tools to bridge the gap between education and communities

Designing an in-depth career building tool for Chicago high-schoolers


Rebecca Everlene Trust Company is a non-profit organization in Chicago aimed to provide students tools to succeed, with the goal of creating a better community.


3 Designers
1 Developer
1 Project Manager


Design Lead


3 months

What is the problem?

Chicagoan students are falling behind in education

Chicago Public Schools

"High school students enrolling in college is 4% below the state average…"

Looking into the statistics of education in the city of Chicago…

Why is this an issue?

Education opportunities within a society correlates positively to an overall increase in health outcomes, crime reduction, and innovation. To educate the masses is to create a better, competitive society as a whole. At Rebecca Everlene, we sought out to solve the issue by helping students through the career building process.

Combating this giant educational barrier

We devised to discover and develop a solution for students that helps them through any roadblocks in career growth.

We devised to discover roadblocks in education and develop a solution for students that helps them them in growing their careers.

The research

Discovering roadblocks that students face

We researched the root causes of the barriers students within the Chicago region faced during their career search, conducting interviews on students to find what pain points they need while building their careers. Rebecca Everlene wanted to emphasize higher education as a means to building a foundation for a career,

We based our research on this one key question…

How might we help students accomplish their career goals?

We interviewed 10 Chicago students on what were the main roadblocks to education they faced.

What students are saying they struggle with

Too much information

Students attempt to search for resources online to build their careers, but get overwhelmed by the amount of information.

Lack of guidance

Students struggle to with the initial steps of building their career and what resources are available.

Financial Struggles

Difficulties understanding financial aid and uncertainty of affording college deters students away.

Approaching the solution

We solve the problem of student's hesitancy in approaching higher education by providing a digital solution for a checklist tool that students will follow along. The tool will condense the career building steps in a easily digestable, followable, and informative manner.


Let's imagine the best design for this solution

During the earliest implementation of our tool, we started with a static, informational webpage that provided users with basic content and resources. Users would scroll through the information and complete a task at the end of the module.

However, our engagement was off

We initially designed for putting together the contents of what we already had, but we fell short on functionality. Sure, all of the information they needed was present, but there was no way for the user to engage with our content.

So, we did some more research

We ideated different features in creating a product to get students who already want to build their careers to guide them. We complied the features into feature prioritization chart, graphing the efforts that the design & developer team would have to put in, versus the impact the feature would have on the users.

Feature Prioritization Chart



Hosting Online Events

Shadowing Programs

Personalized Career Coaches

Internship Programs

Career-Building Web Tool

Personalized Mentorship

Career Courses

Career Podcasts

Networking Events

Web Articles

Career Exploration Workshop

Links to external resources

We pivoted, based on our research

To prioritize our design efforts efficiently, we went with the most high impact, low effort ideas that Rebecca Everlene would be able to reasonably implement.

Pain points

These ideas would address the pain points of information overload, lack of guidance, and taking steps toward financial struggles.

Iterating over our UI

While building the web-tool, we began to iteratively design our UI. Our core redesign ideology is to prioritize user-engagement through interactive elements and allow for users to easily go back to older modules.

Rewarding behaviors

Fun animations to show progression with a rewarding sense of accomplishment and fun

Lacks information

Users will have a hard time revisiting modules

Details of modules

Users will have an easier time finding what lessons they can revisit

Your career progress

Career paths


Job board

Cover letter



Your career building progress


Develop your skills by finding schools or earning online certificates

Find a career path suited for you based on your interests and personality

Career paths


Gain interview skills and tips


Create a resume to showcase your skills and previous experience

Create a cover letter catered towards the company you want to work at

Cover letter

Create an online professional presence to find jobs postings that fit your career path

Job board

Saving your information

Save your progression by logging into our website and keeping track of your progress wherever you login

Finalized Designs

Creating a tool that is easy to navigate

Creating a web-based tool that has the most pertinent information displayed

Build a career

A dashboard that shows how your career progress is going

Keep track of your progress

Find the modules you would need to complete in order to finish the lesson and progress

Format a resume

Creating a tool to give a step-by-step process for students to create a resume and cover letters.

Finding a mentor

Find a mentor that will personally help you out along your career journey


1) Follow users to find the end solution

User feedback is key to finding a solution that caters to a diverse and spread audience.

2) Iterate, iterate, iterate

New findings pop up at every part of the design process and being adaptable will produce the best solution.

3) Balancing the limitations of what we can implement

Our implementation limitations and balancing design ideas is tricky, so research and analysis is important for business decisions.